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Command line version

The command line version can be used identically on any operating system UDO is available for.


udo — convert files from UDO into different formats


udo [-acdDfghHilmnpPqrstuvwWxy4] source file
udo [-acdDfghHilmnpPqrstuvwWxy4] -o destination file source file


UDO converts files from its own UDO format into the following formats: AmigaGuide, Apple QuickView, ASCII, David's Readme-Compiler, HP-Helptag-SGML, HTML, HTML-Help, OS/2 IPF, LaTeX, Linuxdoc-SGML, LyX, Manualpage, Nroff, Pure-C-Help, PDFLaTeX, PostScript, RTF, ST-Guide source, Texinfo, Turbo-Vision-Help source, UDO and WinHelp/WinHelp4 source.

Using the first method UDO prints the destination format to the standard output (STDOUT) and error messages to the standard error output (STDERR). Using the second method UDO writes the destination format to the destination file and error messages to a log file with the suffix .ul?.

You have to pass single options to UDO: -al isn't the same as -a -l!

The name of the source file has to be the last option.


-@ F UDO will read the options from the file named F. You can enter one option per line (as required up to UDO 6), or separate options by space or tab characters like in a command line.
-a, --asc The source file will be converted to ASCII.
--amg The source file will be converted to AmigaGuide.
--aqv, --quickview The source file will be converted to Apple QuickView.
-c, --c The source file will be converted to C source code. Normal text becomes comment, the content of the sourcecode environment becomes C code.
--check Activate some additional checks.
-d, --no-idxfile Suppress the generation of index files.
--drc The source file will be converted to DRC Format (David's Readme Compiler).
-D symbol Set the symbol symbol which can be tested in the source file with !ifset.
--force-long UDO tries to use long filenames even on operating systems that normally do not support them.
--force-short Force UDO to use short filenames (8+3).
-f, --pdflatex The source file will be converted to PDFLaTeX sourcecode.
-g, --helptag The source file will be converted to HP Helptag SGML.
-h, --html The source file will be converted to HTML.
--hah Die Quelldatei wird ins HTML Apple Help Format umgewandelt.
-hh, --htmlhelp The source file will be converted to HTML-Help.
--help Outputs a help page and quits.
-H, --hold You have to press a key before UDO finishes.
-i, --info The source file will be converted to GNU Texinfo.
--ipf The source file will be converted to OS/2 IPF.
-l, --no-logfile When using the Option -o UDO doesn't save a log file.
--lyx The source file will be converted to LyX.
-m, --man The source file will be converted to a manualpage.
--map Creates a header file for C with the WinHelp-Jump-IDs.
--map-pas Creates a map file with the WinHelp-Jump-IDs for Pascal/Delphi.
--map-gfa Creates a map file with the WinHelp-Jump-IDs for GFA Basic.
--map-vb Creates a map file with the WinHelp-Jump-IDs for Visual Basic.
-n, --nroff The source file will be converted to Nroff.
-o F, --outfile F UDO writes the output into the file named F. With -o, the output filename will be the source filename with new extension (e.g. file.u becomes file.stg).
-p, --pchelp The source file will be converted to Pure C Help.
-P, --pascal The source file will be converted to pascal source code. Normal text becomes comment, the content of the sourcecode environment becomes C code
--ps The source file will be converted to PostScript.
-q, --quiet UDO won't print anything to STDOUT or STDERR.
-r, --rtf The source file will be converted to Richt Text Format (RTF).
-s, --stg The source file will be converted to ST-Guide sourcecode.
--save-upr When using this option UDO will save a file with the suffix .upr with a list of all source files, include files and generated files
-t, --tex The source file will be converted to LaTeX.
--test When using this option UDO won't save a destination file.
--tree When using this option UDO will save a file with the suffix .ut?. In this file you will see a tree with all files your source file includes.
-u, --udo Generate one file in udo format containing all included source files. This allows to put all source files into one udo file.
-v, --vision The source file will be converted to Turbo Vision Help.
--verbose UDO will print some status information while converting the source file.
--version Outputs version information and quits UDO.
-w, --win The source file will be converted to Windows Help sourcecode.
-4, --win4 The source file will be converted to Windows Help 4 sourcecode.
-W, --no-warnings Warnings will be suppressed. Error messages will still be printed.
-Wl, --no-warningslines Warnings for line len suppressed. Macht nur Sinn, wenn UDO Warnungen ausgeben soll.
-x, --linuxdoc The source file will be converted to Linuxdoc-SGML.
-y, --no-hypfile UDO doesn't save a file with Hyphenation hints when using the option -o.


udo file.u
Convert the source file file.u to ASCII (default) and print the output to the standard output and error messages to the standard error output.
udo --tex -o output.tex file.u
Convert the source file file.u to LaTeX and write the output to the file named output.tex. Warnings, error messages and additional information will be written to the log file named output.ult.
udo -s -y -l -o ! file.u
Convert the source file file.u to ST-Guide and write the output to file.stg. UDO won't save a log file or a file with Hyphenation patterns.


HOME UDO looks for the file udo.ini in your home directory if UDOPATH doesn't exist (udo.ini is only relevant for the Atari-GEM version of UDO).
LANG Sets the language UDO shall use for error messages if neither LC_ALL nor LC_MESSAGES exists.
LC_ALL If this is set to german UDO prints German messages. If this variable doesn't exist LC_MESSAGES it tested instead.
LC_MESSAGES See LC_ALL. If this variable doesn't exist, too, LANG is tested instead.
UDOPATH UDO looks for the file udo.ini in the directory defined by this variable. If UDOPATH doesn't exist HOME is tested instead.
UDOINPUTPATH UDO looks for files included by the !input command in the directory defined by this variable.

Exit Status

0 Everything was OK.
>0 An error has appeared.

Copyright © www.udo-open-source.org (Contact)
Last updated on May 19, 2014

HomeRunning UDORunning UDOGEM version