output generates a single text file with
Specialities and useful hints
- It is not possible to split the output into more than one
single file (like HTML).
- The paragraph width can be changed with the
!parwidth command. UDO uses a value of 70 characters by
- Text styles like bold, italic or underlined are generated with
the characters *, / and
_ (as common in the Usenet).
Because of the existence of some print tools (e.g. IdeaList for
Atari ST) and newsreaders knowing these text styles UDO doesn't
count these special characters. Lines containing such formatting
characters can become longer than the specified paragraph width.
If you want to suppress the output of these characters you can use
the switch !no_effects [asc] inside the preamble.
- UDO generates ASCII files using the actual system charset.
Running UDO under Windows, not the Windows-ANSI charset but the DOS
charset will be used. Opening an UDO-generated text file with an
Windows editor, umlauts and other special characters seems to wrong.
- Using !no_umlaute [asc], you can switch off umlauts and
special characters.
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Last updated on May 19, 2014