Changes in release 6 PL 16
UDO 6 Patchlevel 16 was published on Sept 28, 2003.
- New commands:
- !html_default_hyphenation
Only if this command is set, the Hyphenation marks for the HTML
output are converted to
- !node1_size foo
This command sets the fontsize of nodes and headings for
postscript output (foo: fontsize in pt).
- !node2_size foo
This command sets the fontsize of subnodes and subheadings for
postscript output (foo: fontsize in pt).
- !node3_size foo
This command sets the fontsize of subsubnodes and subsubheadings
for postscript output (foo: fontsize in pt).
- !node4_size foo
This command sets the fontsize of subsubsubnodes and
subsubsubheadings for postscript output (foo: fontsize in pt).
- News:
- In the first file of the HTML output ist set a meta tag for
- All nodes, which got a special name (e.g. foo.php) by
!html_name are referenced correct now.
- The table of contents ist included in the tag
. This tag is extended to . Therefore you can choose, weather the
bullets in front of every item should be drawn or not. You can control
it by ul.content { list-style-type: none; } in a CSS file.
- For every !newpage there will be given out a
. So
user agents who knows about it, can make a pge break.
- The image captions will be put out as a field for RTF output.
Therefore a table of images could be created.
- There would be build a speacial page with a macro of a list of
figures for the RTF output, even if !listoffigure is
set. The macro must be executed in the word processor.
- The default values are set for kind and heightness of fonts and
who PDF files will be opened.
- Changes:
- !html_backpage ../index.html "Back to UDO
You can tell UDO to set a special text instead of the link text in
the alt
attribute. The text must be included in single
quotation marks.
- The caption of the image won't be put in parenthis for RTF
output any longer.
- The images will be shifted with the text too, if they are in a
special environment.
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Last updated on May 19, 2014