Reference to external links.
Type & position: | placeholder, main part | ||||||||
Syntax: | (!url [<text>] [<link>] <[<target>] [<class>]>) | ||||||||
Description: | Use this command to create (external) links. In contrary to
(!xlink), this command always creates a link to a URL.
<link>can be empty and will then be replaced by the content of <text>. So you don't have to enter the URL twice when you want to show it as the link description. When the URL contains a tilde, it does not have to be protected with an exclamation mark in the (!url) command. <target>defines a target where the URL should be opened in. In Frames layouts, these can be other frames, or use the usual targets:
Using <class>, you can define the name of a CSS class, e.g. to show links to third-party websites in another style than links inside the current website. | ||||||||
Exists since: | Release 6 Patchlevel 12
<target> + <class> since v7.02, currently only supporting HTML, HTML-Help, and Apple Help Book (HTML) | ||||||||
See also: | (!link), (!plink), (!xlink), !no_xlinks, Links |
(!url [BugTracker of the UDO website] []) | (!url [Ulf Dunkel] []) | (!url [] []) | (!url [Write an email][][][email]) | (!url [UDO guide] [] [_blank] [elink])
BugTracker of the UDO website| Ulf Dunkel | | Write an email | UDO guide