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Generate frames (HTML only).

Type & position: command, preamble
Syntax: !html_frames_layout {[<text>]}
Description: This command will generate a layout similar to the modern layout, but the table of contents will be displayed in a separate frame. As with the modern layout, chapter icons will be recognized.
UDO uses following file names, which you should not use yourself: 00con.htm[l] and 00toc.htm[l].
<text> can be some of the following values:
  • noresize: Adds noresize to the frameset tag. The width of the left frame can then not be changed by the user.
  • noborder: Adds border=0 frameborder=0 framespacing=0 to the frameset tag. The left frame will have no border then.
  • noscrolling: Adds scrolling=no to the frameset tag. The left frame can not be scrolled then.
Examples: !html_frames_layout noborder noresize noscrolling
!html_frames_layout [noborder, noresize]
Exists since: Release 6 Patchlevel 4
See also: !html_frames_position, !html_frames_width, !html_frames_height, !html_frames_backcolor, !html_frames_alignment, !html_frames_toc_title, !html_frames_con_title, !html_modern_layout

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Last updated on May 19, 2014
