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Set document information.

Type & position: command, preamble
Syntax: !\docinfo [<name>] <text>|<file>
Description: This command is used to add various information output to the title page. <name> can have one of the following values:
<text> will be displayed on the title page before the contents of the program name. It is also used inside the headlines.
<text> will be displayed on the title page below the title. Furthermore <text> will be used by some destination formats to generate the header line.
<file> will be displayed on the title page if the destination format supports images.
<text> will be given out right below the contents of the program name on the title page.
<text> will be displayed on the title page below the contents of the program version. The example shows how to use the current system time for the title page.
<text> will be used as the name of the author on the title page and for different other purposes.
<file> will be displayed above the name of the author on the title page if the destination format supports images.
<file> will be displayed as image in the left frame or left column when using the frame layout or modern layout of HTML.
<text> will be given out below the author's name on the title page. !docinfo [address] can be used up to 15 times, and can contain any address lines, such as email-addresses.
<text> bezeichnet die Firma, für die ein Dokument erstellt wird. Wenn company benutzt wird, wird auf der Titelseite unter Autor für company eingefügt.
<text> bezeichnet eine Kategorie, zu der das Dokument gehört.
With this command you can specify the contents of the @database-line that is generated for the ST-Guide format. If you don't use this command, UDO will construct a line containing the title and the program name.
This command is used to specify the contents of the status line for the DRC format. If you don't use this command, UDO will use a line like Copyright © by . If you did not set the name of the author, UDO will use the text Made with UDO.
[The following text has not yet been translated.]
!docinfo [keywords] entspricht dem Kommando !html_keywords. Kann auch bei PostScript genutzt werden.
Bei der HTML-Ausgabe allerdings nur, wenn in einzelnen Dateien nicht !html_keywords benutzt wird. Diese haben also Vorrang.

[The following text has not yet been translated.]
!docinfo [description] entspricht dem Kommando !html_description. Kann auch bei PostScript genutzt werden.
Bei der HTML-Ausgabe allerdings nur, wenn in einzelnen Dateien nicht !html_description benutzt wird. Diese haben also Vorrang.


<text> will be used as the title of every page (instead of using [title] and [program]).
<text> equals a robots command which is evaluated by search engines. Valid commands are e.g. "none", "noindex", "index", "nofollow", and "follow".
Required for HTML Apple Help; it describes the title of the help book.
Required for HTML Apple Help; it defines the icon which should be shown by Apple Help Viewer.
When you use all these contact data (in four separate lines!), UDO creates the following contact data footer in each page:
# Vorspann
!docinfo [domain_link]    http://www.udo-open-source.org/
!docinfo [domain_name]    UDO OpenSource
!docinfo [contact_link]   mailto:webmaster@udo-open-source.org
!docinfo [contact_name]   Email to the webmaster

# Dokument

Afterwards: Copyright © UDO OpenSource (Email to the webmaster)
Last updated on May 19, 2014
If you define less information, the contact data in the footer are adjusted accordingly. Here are some more examples.
# Vorspann
!docinfo [domain_link]  http://www.mydomain.net/
!docinfo [contact_link] mailto:me@mydomain.net

# Dokument

Afterwards: Copyright © http://www.mydomain.net/ (me@mydomain.net)
Last updated on May 19, 2014
# Vorspann
!docinfo [domain_name]    My Company
!docinfo [contact_name]   My Name

# Dokument

Afterwards: Copyright© My Company (My Name)
Last updated on May 19, 2014
The last shown example demonstrates that only parameters with link in the parameter name create real clickable links.
Chances are that you don't like to give a real email address as contact link, but rather an URL which leads to a contact form. Today it is no longer desired to show vaild email addresses in web pages. They can easily be found by robots and harvesters which are looking for email addresses for junk.
# Vorspann
!docinfo [domain_link]  http://www.mydomain.net/
!docinfo [domain_name]  My Domain
!docinfo [contact_link] http://www.mydomain.net/contact.php
!docinfo [contact_name] Contact

# Dokument

Afterwards: Copyright © My Domain (Contact)
Last updated on May 19, 2014
Hint: If you don't specify any data or use the switch !no_footers [html] in the preamble, UDO will output nothing.
<text> describes the name of the localizer who has translated the product or document. When translator is used, the title page will show it below author and company as Translator: translator.
<text> describes the company which distributes the product or document. When distributor is used, the title page will show it below author and company as Distributor: distributor.
!docinfo [title] The Windows Help of
!docinfo [program] UDO
!docinfo [author] Dirk Hagedorn
!docinfo [address] Asmecke 1
!docinfo [address] D-59846 Sundern
!docinfo [address] Germany
!docinfo [address] Internet: info@dirk-hagedorn.de
!docinfo [address] Mausnet: Dirk Hagedorn @ MK2
!docinfo [domain_link] http://www.dirk-hagedorn.de/
!docinfo [contact_link] mailto:me@dirk-hagedorn.de
!docinfo [authorimage] dh
!docinfo [date] (!today)

Exists since: Release 6 Patchlevel 2
See also: !maketitle, Title page

Copyright © www.udo-open-source.org (Contact)
Last updated on May 19, 2014
